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Possible Causes of Accidental Poisonings in Your Home

  • Category: Causes
  • Posted On:
  • Written By: Alex Murray
Possible Causes of Accidental Poisonings in Your Home

Raising children is a full-time job that doesn’t come with any training. Moms and dads alike often learn the struggles of parenting as they go along.

Certain aspects of parenting can be based solely on common sense, yet can be as difficult as unfamiliar territory. One of those aspects can be accidental poisoning.

Children are naturally curious and inquisitive, which isn’t always a good thing. Not only that, but they tend to enjoy putting things in their mouths. The combination of the two can often be disastrous. There are many household items which should be monitored and/or locked away, out of the reach of tiny hands.


Your medication was prescribed to you based on the results of advanced diagnostic and laboratory services by a trained physician, and they are meant for you alone. While it would make sense then that those prescription drugs can be lethal if ingested by children, there are many more medication-related household products that can have the same effect. Cold and flu syrups, lozenges, and other remedies can all be extremely hazardous. Also mouthwashes, vitamins, antiseptics, antibiotics, sleep aids, antidepressants, heart medications, and many more. Even if they don’t pose a significant poison threat, they can often be choking hazards. It’s important to make sure any medications or the like are up and out of children’s reach.

Hygienic and Cleaning Products

As stated before, things like mouthwash can be extremely poisonous to a child. The list of possible dangers continues with cleaning and hygiene products. Detergents, cleaning sprays, dishwashing soaps, drain cleaners, bleach, turpentine, and room deodorants can all be lethal household cleaning products. Hygiene products such as toothpaste, creams, ointments, shampoos, perfumes, aftershaves, and more are all extremely hazardous. Even though it can be taxing to continuously keep these items out of reach, it’s imperative to the safety of your child. Simply leaving them on a vanity or underneath the kitchen sink isn’t always enough.

Plants and Other Products

Alcohol, tobacco, drugs (the not-so-legal kind), essential oils, pesticides, glue, batteries, gardening products, and automotive products such as oil, gas, and other fluids can be common household products that are potentially lethal if ingested. Even some plants can be poisonous to children if eaten such as oleander, foxglove, datura, and arum lily. You should also be sure not to have any plants indoors or on the property that have berries or colorful, bright leaves that might attract a young child.

If your child ingests any of these aforementioned products or any one of countless others, you should seek medical attention immediately. While advanced diagnostic and laboratory services might be required, often all that is needed is a simple blood test. Your emergency care provider will know the best route to take, depending on what was ingested.

An urgent care for kids can also be a good place to take a child that has been accidentally poisoned, and many provide convenient care with emergency facilities that are open 24/7. There are 7,357 urgent care centers in the United States as of 2016, an increase from 6,707 in 2015, according to Urgent Care Association of America. If your child has been accidentally poisoned, there are many options available to seek treatment.

If you need advanced diagnostic and laboratory services and/or poison treatment in the Texas area, call us today.