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Common Summer Maladies To Watch Out For

  • Category: Healthy Living
  • Posted On:
  • Written By: Alex Murray
Common Summer Maladies To Watch Out For

​We’re now in the middle of summer, which means we are spending more time outside enjoying the sunshine. However, being outside more often can actually make us more prone to germs and airborne diseases that can make us incredibly sick.
No one wants to waste their summer suffering from itchy eyes, stomach pain, sore throats, and other minor illnesses, so here are some common summer maladies to be on the lookout for.

Lyme Disease

This harmful disease is carried by ticks, and those little critters are becoming more common with each year. When you are outside, make sure you cover up any exposed areas and douse yourself with bug spray! If Lyme disease goes untreated, it can spread to your nervous system, heart, and joints.

Common symptoms: migraines, neck stiffness, rashes, episodes of dizziness, and/or severe joint pain.

Food Poisoning

Unfortunately, those outdoor BBQs and cookouts can really do more harm than good. Food that has been left out in the heat is prone to bacterial growth which can cause food poisoning. While this may not be a serious condition, you will be stuck indoors for a few days until you feel better.

Common symptoms: Stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and/or migraines.

Whooping cough

Children who have yet to be vaccinated are the most at risk for whooping cough, as it is easily spread in summer camps. The best way to prevent your child getting this illness is by encouraging them to wash their hands as often as possible and to get them vaccinated.

Common symptoms: A runny nose, fever, coughing, and fatigue.

Recreational Water Diseases (RWIs)

Water is a breeding ground for multiple different strains of bacteria. Some common RWIs include swimmer’s ear, Giardia, E-Coli, and Norovirus.

Common symptoms: As there are plenty of different diseases caused by bacteria in water, go to the doctor right away if you are experiencing any strange or unexplained symptoms.

If you are noticing any of these symptoms, do not hesitate to go to a doctor right away. Better yet, choose an urgent care center, as they will be open during off-peak hours and on weekends. And considering urgent care clinics have around seven exam rooms, you can expect treatment quite quickly!

Don’t let these illnesses ruin your summer — just keep an eye out and be safe!